Monday, April 11, 2011

Beware: Turbulent tides ahead.

Beware:  Turbulent tides ahead.

That wake of emotions, building into a wall of gray.

The sky begins to twist as the storm’s fury grows and all before you stands subject to its lack of mercy.

The ground beneath your feet starts to tremble.

That moment you realize you’re lost in your own feelings, and left stranded on a bridge in the path of destruction.  

The waves below crash against the pillars of your suspended protector.  The ones securing you from the jagged rocks and unmerciful rush of water that leer with hatred below, waiting for the moment your bridge comes crumbling down.  They’ll be there to catch you.  

They’ll be there with their hissing sprays that spit in your face and their hidden limbs strategically placed to catch you and pull you under; threaten to steal your breath.  

Terrified, frozen, you stand.  Trapped on your bridge.  You’ve no protection from the storm that ensues.  Whipping winds attack you from all sides, like an army of stealth ninjas.  They throw dirt in your eyes to blind you.   You stumble on your bridge, teetering on its narrow planks.  

Your arms, now lifted to shield your delicate face from the wind’s mighty assault, feel the full affects of the storm’s wrath.  Cuts and bruises marked into your flesh, slowly gnawing at you as your feet fight to keep you above the seething tides below.  And yet the storm draws closer.

Tell me, where is your super man now?

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